I'd be safe and warm if I was in L.A California Dreamin' on such a winter's day.....
The book of Ching, also known as the "book of changes", is one of the 5 classic fundamental books of Confucianism. It is more than 3000 years old and its symbols are even older, going back to 5000 years ago. These characteristics make it one of the oldest "superstitious" books in the World; Ching is also one of the most ancient forms of divination. For a very long time, it's been the main Oracle and the first | |
spiritual resource of the Asiatic nation. Moreover it has had growing p opularity in Europe and America thanks to its mysterious potential to be able to give very detailed intuition to anyone w ho wanted to study this carefully. I Ching doesn't actually forecast the future but provides a clear vision of the present and gives advice on how to face the situation. "It goes beyond" the questions asked, exposing the deepest truths of Nature and our subconscious; naturally, by interrogating the I Ching, we also get the forecast of a certain event, but will also depend on our free will. estudiarlos con atenciĆ³n. |
· The Consultation: | ||||
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· The Interpretation: | ||||
A tip should always be earned. Reward good service generously and reduce the tip proportionately for indifferent or rude service. A good rule of thumb is ten percent if the service is mediocre and eight percent if it’s really poor. That way, you help to raise the standard of service. Leaving no tip does not correct the problem of poor service.
Treat servers with respect. Leaving a generous tip doesn’t make up for ordering someone around or treating them dismissively. While tipping augments servers’ incomes and rewards them for a job well done, treating them kindly is just as important.
When in doubt about whether to tip, ask in advance. If a department store is scheduled to deliver a new sofa, call and ask someone in the furniture department whether tipping is customary; in a hair salon, ask the receptionist. In some situations, leaving a tip could be seen as demeaning. Taking the time to find out what’s expected can spare you an embarrassing moment.
Tip on the pre-tax amount of the bill, not on the total.
Tip discreetly. Tipping is a private matter. Don’t act like a “big spender” and flash a lot of bills.
Money is the tip of choice. Sometimes a small gift, usually given during the holidays, can be substituted for cash. In the case of a hairdresser, for example, this gift can “top off” the cash tips you’ve given over the year.
-Peggy Post